A few weeks ago, there was a bird who was determined to build a nest on top of our front door. She worked day and night building it, and each morning, we had to sadly take it down. As much as I wanted a nest up there, Lee convinced me it wasn't a safe place for any momma bird to lay eggs. The door would be constantly slamming and it just wasn't a good location. I think we must have knocked it down about 10 times, and each time, I felt terrible about it.
Thankfully, she found a nice safe place under our deck, which we discovered last week. When we looked in there last weekend, we saw a bunch of little blue eggs!
And yesterday, when I peeked in there, I found this (click for a close-up):

My pregnancy hormones must be in overdrive, because I had really had to restrain myself from picking one of them up. They were snoozing away, all snuggled up on each other. SO CUTE!!!
On another note, we've really been enjoying our back yard this weekend. Colby's finally at a stage where Lee and I can sit back and let him play independently for a few minutes, and that's something new to us. He enjoys the sand and water table, his new beach ball sprinkler, and playing with the garden hose attachment. He is obsessed with spraying water for some reason, despite the fact that he's terrified of the pool. He also never seems to tire of his playhouse.

Just like his daddy, he takes great pride in maintaining his house. Here he is doing a few small repairs with his hammer. We train em young around here.

1 comment:
Love the birds... so sweet! You guys have a new little adventure every day.
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