Oh Dear God. It's back. The stomach virus is back. It was less than a month ago that Colby had it for four days.....and now, as of last night, we're certain he has it again. He sort of spit up twice yesterday morning, but we thought it was a fluke...now we know it was definitely no fluke. (This is waaay TMI, but it needs to be said. Colby actually threw up in Lee's mouth...and Lee didn't even blink an eye. If that had been me, I'm fairly certain it would have sent me to my grave.)
This month, Colby went from the stomach flu, to a never-ending cold (which he still has) to yet another stomach flu. He hasn't been to preschool in almost 3 weeks. I kept thinking he was better, and twice, I took him to school and they called me to pick him up early because of his runny nose (which I swear wasn't there in the morning). I definitely got a M.O.T.Y (mother of the year) award for that. He cannot catch a break...so therefore, neither can I.
But the stomach flu...that's my biggest fear. I begged Lee to stay home from work today, but he laughed at me. He is going in an hour late, which is at least some sort of comfort.....it's the other 9 hours I'm worried about. Heaven help me.
Oh no!!! I feel your pain. That is one of my worst fears too. I hope it doesn't last long. Hope you are doing well(besides the stomach thing).
UGH! Stomach viruses are the worst!! I hope it passes fast and does not spread.
Ginger ale works pretty good to settle the boys' stomachs. Hope that helps, a little.
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