Colby's first birthday gift from his daddy is a red wagon. Not just any red wagon, but the biggest, heaviest, most pimped out wagon his daddy could find. We took the wagon on a test run tonight to see how Colby would like it.....
And he loved it!
He and daddy were having so much fun....
Until Colby figured out that he could stand up!
He almost did a nose dive onto the pavement, but Daddy swooped in and saved him.
I love the iPood onsie so much! I couldn't find it in C's size! Looks like an awesome bday present. C would try to stand too... sort of like he did in the shopping cart at BabiesRUs. Suddenly, I feel terrified that these two will someday meet.
I love the iPood onsie so much! I couldn't find it in C's size! Looks like an awesome bday present. C would try to stand too... sort of like he did in the shopping cart at BabiesRUs. Suddenly, I feel terrified that these two will someday meet.
LOVE the wagon! We have given up on the stroller and take the wagon EVERYWHERE. Yes, we get strange looks in Target, but whatever works, right?
I have to ask, did the umbrella come with the wagon? We have been looking for one to put on ours.
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