Well, Halloween wasn't much to write home about. Colby was very sick the week leading up to Halloween, but we took him in twice, and each time they told us it was just a virus. They couldn't hear anything in his chest, but he kept getting sicker. By Halloween, day 6 or so, his fever was at 104.5 and he was laying in the middle of the floor while Lee was handing out candy. I was stuck outside with Miller but ended up handing her off to friends so I could take care of Colby. Poor little buddy. The next day we took him to a walk in clinic in Waynesboro where they can do chest x rays, and sure enough, he has pneumonia. Wouldn't you know! Thank God we followed our own instincts and took him.
We thought we were in the clear until about 10 days later when Miller felt bad during her first sleep over (with Sofie- Svetlana's daughter) and ended up crying and homesick all night because she felt bad. By the time I picked her up from synchro, her fever was 101 and she was getting worse quickly. I also started to feel bad, and so did Lee, so later that day we all got chest x rays and sure enough we had pneumonia, too. Who knew bacterial pneumonia was contagious!? Well now we know.
Colby had two friends bring him bags of candy and it totally made his (and my) day. The friends were Julian and Harrison. It really is the small things and small gestures that matter in life.
Thankfully we all recovered pretty quickly since we caught it early, and we were able to spend Thanksgiving in Richmond with everyone. The boys still play well with Colby and Miller- especially Braden- and I hope they have these memories forever. They worship their older cousins. I fear Braden will be growing a little too old for it soon, so I want to make as much effort as we can to get to Richmond for special occasions.
Peepie Miller's 100th birthday was amazing. She was completely lucid, talking, and her eyes were open. She seemed so much better than most of our visits in the past year. When I told her she looked 10 years younger, she said "Good, then go find me a boyfriend." She hasn't lost her sass! She got letters from people in Jackson who are still alive and knew her well, and those were read to her at the party. It was very special and she was a very loved lady. I told her the other day on the phone that I hoped I could be a grandmother like she was because she set the bar so high. She said "I didn't know you thought that of me". That's sad because I guess I haven't told her enough how amazing I think she is. She is always doing things, planning things, and thinking about what she can plan next. She's truly a social organizer of people and would have made a perfect career out of that. She never went anywhere without looking her best- makeup, shoes, skirt, etc. Visiting her at the lake are my best childhood memories. We would always have a gigantic goody basket waiting for us full of candy, and Big Lou would have coins poured all over my bed. She made such a big production of our visit and made us all feel so special. I didn't lift a finger during those trips. I loved sitting on the rocking chairs and just watching the lake. I could do it for hours and hours. I wonder if that's why I like rocking and quietness so much. I miss that feeling of the lake but it will live on inside me forever. I just wish I could go back and take my kids there, sit on the porch. We have a porch at the homestead, but it's not quite the same for me. Maybe because I'm the one taking care of things, cooking food, etc. Back then, it was a carefree time.
Christmas was pretty awesome for the kids this year. Ben and Patsy were here and it was a nice visit, although it's a whole lot of work for me and Lee when they come. There is no rest for the weary. The kids said it was their "best Christmas ever!". Oh dear- I hope we haven't set the bar too high. They got a ps4, hover boards, and miller got an electric scooter. Oh, and lots and lots of legos. We had Christmas dinner here and I made an effort to make a really special looking table this year. It turned out beautifully and we had Nan and Pop come join us, too.
I wrote about this before, but I'm seriously worried about my memory. Could I really have early alzheimers? I need to get off all medication and see if that's affecting it. I want to get healthy this Year. My goals are to say bed time prayers with the kids, list three things we are grateful for each night, to say blessing before family meals (we need to learn one), and to go to church.
I'm going through a transitional period with friends. I've realized that some friends I thought I could trust maybe I cannot, and some friendships are just sort of fizzling out. Others I knew they would because I intentionally stopped investing in the friendship. So now, i'm not sure who my good friends are here. I have one- Katie. And many other pretty good friends. But I'm definitely not in a group anymore. Maybe that's ok and that's where I'm supposed to be. It seems like we shouldn't be going through stuff like this at age 40, but I'm learning it just never stops. I feel good about it though because I know I'm on the right path.
Lee and I are taking a parenting course that is two hours once a week, and it's all about being their for your kids and supporting them- not punishing and scolding. It seems like it's helping Colby be nicer to Miller because maybe he's not getting yelled at as much therefore he's happier? I'm not sure...time will tell. But we think we are headed down the right path this time.
But really, I'm terrified about my memory which is why I'm starting these blog updates again. I need to go back and see what my life has been like!