It has been a very busy few weeks full of adventure and milestones.
Colby's Spring Kindergarten picture turned out much better than the Fall one. His big boy teeth are even showing...he looks so grown up!
Colby's year is wrapping up and he has done very well in school. His report card was perfect except for organization....not sure where he got that.
Colby will be starting Summer swim team soon and I'm really looking forward to seeing how much he has progressed from last year. He's now diving in and swimming a very nice backstroke and freestyle. I hope we can keep him busy enough this Summer....the boy craves action and socialization at all times.
Miller loves to play doctor with her babies and set up tea parties. She puts out an elaborate setting. I think she must have inherited some entertaining genes from Peepie Miller. (And I must be really disappointing her on that front)

I survived ten days without Lee while he was away doing some wilderness training. I kept the kids alive and the house standing. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Bed time is always the hardest. We did eat out a little they are at their favorite sushi restaurant.
Lordy, Lordy, Lee is 40! Lee's 40th birthday began with a very nice display in the yard courtesy of your's truly.
That evening, he thought we were just going to dinner together, but I threw him a surprise party with some of his closest friends and family. When we got to the restaurant, his family and friends were hiding in a room downstairs. (outside the room, actually) In attendance were his parents, brother, best friend Tim from Wyoming, two work buddies in DC, and two friends from here. He had absolutely no idea and was completely shocked. He said it was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him....and I do not take all the credit for that. His friends and family made a huge effort and travelled here for his special day. It was awesome. I'm actually a little sad that it's over because I have been looking forward to it for so long....there's nothing like the anticipation of a surprise party.
There are no pictures of me and Lee together, and these are really the only shots that include us both.
Not only was the cake awesome, it was delicious.
Sweet Miller had her Kindergarten orientation this week. She was so excited the night before that she couldn't fall sleep. At the orientation, they got to hear a story, ride the bus, and have a snack in the cafeteria. Afterwards Miller said "Mommy, it was even more fun than I thought it would be!" She is SO ready.
Miller had her Spring Mother's Day concert on Friday and it was precious. I hate to brag, because it really is so obnoxious (and skip this paragraph if you don't want to hear it), but Miller was the leader of that concert. She was the loudest and often started the songs when no one else knew what was going on. They did a song about doctor Seuss in the form of B-I-N-G-O where you have to clap and leave out letters....and then leave out more and more and replace with claps. It was complicated and she was the only one who did it correctly. Her teacher even said to me that Miller was her leader...Ok, I'm done now. Sorry.
They called the moms up front for the last song and then sang to us a song about why we are the perfect moms for them. (I have it all on video) I was already choked up before that....and I ugly cried. So much so that I scared Miller and she stopped singing. I had to assure her that everything was ok and that I loved her song. She was confused. I don't know how I'm going to get through graduation, or worse, the first day of Kindergarten. My baby is growing up too fast and I just want to freeze time.