Spring is here, and that means a whole lot more time outside. Instead of going right up for bed after dinner, the kids now run outside and play on the playset for a bit. They love it when little Lilly from next door comes over and joins in the fun. Miller has learned how to swing on her own and does not miss an opportunity to run outside and show off her skills. Savannah loves to lay in the grass and watch them play, but she stays close by and does not want to be left alone. We installed a cat door on the screen porch after she was left out in the rain one night for a few hours. She was a pitiful sight of wet, curly, matted, and dirty hair. Now she can at least get shelter on the screen porch if someone forgets to let her in.
Colby and Miller are both thinking about Summer, their birthdays, and what grade they will be in next year. Now that Colby is getting a bit older, he has been thinking about his future. One night at dinner he said "I know what I want to be when I grow up, but it doesn't exist anymore." He looked truly sad and discouraged. "What's that buddy?" I said. "A knight or a ninja. But it doesn't exist anymore." He could not have been more serious. Oh, to be six again.
T-ball has begun, and Lee is one of the coaches this year. Colby is not really loving t-ball...I think he has realized that he prefers more fast paced sports. We figured that would happen but wanted him to realize it on his own.
Both kids loved dying eggs this year.
The Easter bunny came! And he brought Doritos! And Cheetos! And toys!
And candy! And books! And candy! (It's amazing how different our kids are)
Heading to church
A few days after Easter we had a very early morning departure for Turks and Caicos.

This was taken right outside our bottom floor room.
The beach was beautiful. It was the first time the kids have ever been to "the beach".
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Although they spent most of their time at the pool, the kids did many other fun activities....among them kayaking, sailing, snorkeling, and Colby went horse back riding.
I could not believe that Miller jumped out of a boat in the middle of the ocean and snorkeled. How many four year olds could (or would) do that? Without a life jacket!
Warming up after snorkeling
One of the stops on our snorkeling trip was "Iguana Island." You can see why it's called that. However, after seeing one or five iguanas, we had all seen enough and wanted to go back. Not so fast....they left us on this hot island with no shade for over an hour! Lee renamed it "Starvation Island" because, well, we were all starving. Colby was obsessing about the sand in his shoes...he would go in the water, wash off his feet, walk back up, get upset about the sand and do it over again. And over again. Ahhh....memories.
Picture taken on the beach of Iguana Island.
Colby made an amazing attempt at water skiing, but with all the wind, waves, and salt water, it was just too difficult. He tried his hardest and did not give up. He is one determined little boy.
I tried about ten times to get up on one ski, but couldn't do it. I must have snorted gallons of salt water- I am not a fan of ocean skiiing! Eventually I decided to get up on two skiis and drop one.
After watching Colby and I struggle in the water, Miller made the very wise decision to stay on the boat and observe.
The next day Colby and Lee went horse back riding. These were not trail horses- you really had to steer them. Lee said Colby did awesome. Look at that posture!
On our last day, the kids built their very first sand castle. (Kind of sad, isn't it? We are not beach people)
Dinner on the last night. I'd say our first trip to "the beach" was a success!