It's obvious when life gets busy because the blog takes a hit. I feel like that's all I've been saying lately, and it's true...I have hardly posted at all this Fall. It's three days past Thanksgiving, and I haven't even blogged about Halloween! I think it's just going to be this way until Miller is in school five days a week next year. What I've realized is that this is the busiest I have ever been, and it's not going to change any time soon, so I'm going to try and let go of the guilt, and catch up on the blog when I can.
Truth be told, in addition to just being busy, we have been slammed with illnesses. First, Colby and Miller had the usual Fall colds and fevers. Then, Lee got a two week case of Pneumonia. Then, Colby got strep. Then, both Colby and Miller came down with a terrible case of hand, foot, and mouth. Now, Lee and I have the worst case of strep I have ever seen...Lee is on day four and still can hardly eat, even though he's on antibiotics. He completely missed Thanksgiving, and I got sick two days later. As I sit here typing, my actual hair follicles are is that even possible?
Despite all of this, the kids are doing great.
Let me back up a little and talk about Halloween.
I had a sweet little elmo and a Storm trooper....
who took his costume very seriously.
The kids had a Halloween parade at school....

And somehow, Lee and I ended up in the same picture. Can you believe it?

On Halloween night, the Switch Witch came, and the kids were thrilled. Colby received a light up Light Saber and a Star Wars action figure, and Miller got some new books and a tea kettle.
Colby has finally perfected the monkey bars, and he is very proud.
Miller is finally riding her bike (with training wheels) and she is crazy fast and coordinated on her scooter.
They both experimented with a little roller skating, but they went back to the bikes and scooters after a few spills.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at Nan and Pop's house. Peepie Milller, Chip, Jen and the boys were all there. Colby and Miller were in heaven playing with them. Colby discovered their rope swing for the first time and he could not get enough. He's a strong little fella.
Jennifer and I had our bi-annual Miller mix-up. Every time we all get together, she and I have some kind of hilarious conversation where one of us is talking about big Miller, and the other one is talking about little Miller. This conversation involved the bathroom, and I mentioned how I was a little concerned that (big) Miller had been in the bathroom for a long time. So Jen looks as me and says "Well go check on her!" and I said something about how I didn't want to do that. I said a few more things about why I didn't want to, and she looked at me kind of crazy and said "Well she's probably just pooping or something!"....and I kind of looked at her thinking "yeah, and I still don't want to go in there!" After a few more minutes, Jen, in disbelief that I wouldn't check on my daughter, went to the bathroom to see what was going on just as (big) Miller was coming out.
Oh, we laughed and laughed about it for two days. It might not translate as hilarious on this blog, but I'm still laughing about it.
Back to Colby and Miller- they are both super excited for Christmas and ask daily if it's tomorrow. Colby wants every Star Wars toy known to man, and Miller wants a princess tent. Honestly, we could give her a pack of gummy bears and she'd be thrilled.
We are hoping to feel better soon and get into the Christmas spirit. Despite the ailments, we are so thankful for our crazy life and wouldn't want it any other way.