I feel like a horrible mother. I feel like an even worse wife. I feel guilty about not taking enough pictures and keeping up with the blog. I am so spread thin with all this house stuff that I'm really falling behind in every day life. I can't remember the last time I made a really good homemade dinner. In fact, Lee has done more cooking than I have lately, and that includes nights that he works. I have so much guilt. I am not doing anything well. I haven't worked out in weeks- this is the first time in my life I have not made time for working out. I will be the first to admit that I do not handle stress well, and I really don't like it when I don't have any down time in my day. I've even let Colby miss a few of his swim lessons because it takes all afternoon to get there and back- that is so unlike me. I feel especially guilty that Lee has been taking the kids on weekend mornings to do all kinds of fun stuff while I stay home and do house related things or get paperwork in order.
It didn't help that our house went on the market this week. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to make everything PERFECT. There was not one thing on a countertop anywhere....there were fresh flowers....mulling spices on the stove top... music playing through all the speakers. We have someone interested in our house, but if they don't buy it, I'm not going to those lengths anymore.
On top of everyday stresses, I made the VERY dumb decision to switch from a PC to a Mac this week....both computers at the same time. Wow, so don't do that.
Aside from all of that, I tried to forget about it all and we went to see Buzz Lightyear on Ice yesterday. The kids both loved it! Colby did not move a muscle except to buy a Buzz Lightyear laser at intermission. Miller sat very still for the first half, but was a bit fidgety through the second half. Here are a few picks of the highlights:
Off we go! Poor Miller has been battling an awful cold and was not feeling her best.

Colby loves all things military. He has been asking for a parachute for Christmas...I think he's really planning to jump off of something.

Colby's most favorite evil villain

The grand entrance

Colby sat just like this and did not say one word.

Miller sniffled her way through most of it, but had a great time despite the cold.

I am going to try to do better with my updates. Halloween is this weekend...hopefully lots a great pictures to come!