I can't believe it, but it's true! My sweet (and feisty) little girl is 2!!!
At her 2 year appointment, Miller weighted 35.8 pounds and was 36 1/2 inches. Both of those are, of course, greater than the 95th percentile. They are estimating her height to be at least 5'11. Wow! I guess the good news is that all the clothing brands make "tall" now, which wasn't the case when I was in high school and college.
We celebrated Miller's birthday in Richmond this past weekend.
Miller's Elmo cake
Me and the grumpy, tired, just up from a nap birthday girl
Peepie Miller looking not a day over 80.
The whole gang at Miller's birthday dinner (minus myself)
Miller vs the candle
She stared at it so long she became cross eyed.
Miller's cousins escorted her in her first pair of heels
She rocked them!
All the cousins watching a movie
The 3 Miller's in our family (my middle name is Miller)
And just for fun, here's how Miller vs the candle really played out. (I cannot believe she has already perfected "the look". I'm in trouble.)
Whew, I'm so far behind on my blog, I don't even know where to start.
Actually, I do know where I want to start, but I don't know when I'll actually find the time to sit down and do it. One of the things I really want to write about is the first 9 months of Colby's life, which are not in the blog. The first 6 months were pretty tough, and it wouldn't have made for a happy blog. It started with a weekend in the hospital when he was 11 days old, where he had a spinal tap, chest x-ray, and IV antibiotics for a "virus". From there, things were good for about 3 weeks...until one night, out of the blue, he screamed his head off for about 2 hours. Unbeknownst to me, that was the start of his severe milk protein allergy. It was also the start of 3-4 hour long crying jags, lots of pain, difficulty eating, bloody diapers, lots of doctors visits, food journals, poop journals, lots of worrying, and a very restrictive diet for myself (without dairy, soy, nuts, wheat, or eggs). I cannot imagine what it would have been like to blog all of that....it probably would have been therapeutic for me, but man, how depressing and boring would that have been? "Today I ate mayonnaise....Colby screamed for 6 hours....maybe it was the eggs in the mayonnaise?" Thankfully, things got better when he was around 6 months old and we actually took him on a vacation to Mexico, which I'd love to put in the blog. From that point forward, Colby was a very happy (albeit extremely active) baby and it was pretty smooth sailing.
Wow, I just got really sidetracked. Totally wasn't planning to say any of that. What I meant to say was that I'm behind on my blogging and have missed a few very important things this summer. I feel like I need to put a few things on the blog before I move forward with Miller's birthday celebrations.
First, there was the 4th of July. Colby and Miller enjoyed driving their jeep (and our coolers) to the local neighborhood cookout.
They even sort of posed for a picture...
Shortly after that, we had a very fun visit with Nana and Granddaddy. (and we're very excited about visiting them at the lake in a few weeks)
Lastly, Miller has really been perfecting her singing skills. Please enjoy her rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star until I find enough time and energy to blog about my baby girl turning 2!!!!!
Colby's party was at a huge indoor bounce facility.
Me and the birthday boy before the party began.
There were giant slides to climb...
And they were fast!!!
To say Colby had a blast would be an understatement.
Miller was intimidated by the bounces houses, but she found plenty of other fun things.
Colby's friend Jack came, and they were inseparable. They even hugged several times. This is a somber moment (after an hour of jumping) waiting to have their photo taken.
Colby's dream came true....he had a "giant Buzz Lightyear" cake.
And of course, Miller could not take her eyes off of it.
Colby was by Jack's side the entire party and made sure they ate next to each other.
Our wonderful sitter Adela came, and she helped Miller with her cake.
We even attempted a group shot...(several children were too scared to climb up for the photo)
I'd say as far as 4 year old parties go, it was fun for all- most of the adults were sliding and jumping, too. And no alcohol was involved!
This is the birthday boy on the morning of his birthday (with a little bit of bed head)
For his birthday dinner, Colby chose to go to his favorite sushi restaurant. He had all of his favorite things- miso soup, steamed gyoza, a shrimp tempura roll, and chicken yakisoba. His favorite waitress (Lindsay) brought him out a special banana tempura and ice cream dessert.
After dinner, we celebrated at home with a cake and more presents. Miller had been singing happy birthday to Colby all day long, but when I asked her to do it for the camera, she was so mesmerized by the cake that she sort of just petered out.
Colby's favorite birthday presents (so far) are his camera, his Toy Story 3 action figures, and his toy helicoper and ambulance. (and I am enjoying the extra quiet time that these toys are giving me....)
Colby's 4 year stats: 42.5 inches tall (90th percentile) and 43 pounds (95th percentile) He has stayed on the same growth curve, and they are predicting that he will be 6 ft 1 or so.
We'll finish off the birthday week with his party on Saturday...I hope they're ok with a mom jumping, too!
Today is Colby's 4th birthday! I am waiting for him to wake up....we have balloons and presents downstairs. He will have cupcakes at camp, a cake and more presents with the family tonight, and a party on at a bounce place on Saturday.
Nana and Granddaddy were here this past week so I'm a bit behind and will post an update with pictures soon!
This is, pretty much word for word, tonight's conversation as I lay with Colby before he went to sleep. I already know these were not good answers to give him...I was not prepared!
C: Do you have a baby in your tummy? Me: No, but I did. I had you and Miller in my tummy. C: But how do babies get out? Me: ignoring the question C: How do they get out? Me: still ignoring C: How do they get out? (relentless, this one) Me: The doctor gets them out. C: Quiet for about 5 seconds.... Me: Hoping he lets is go....knowing that's really not going to happen. C: But how? There's no opening. Me: Ignoring.. C: There's no opening. How do they get out? Me: (thinking.....) They come out from your bottom. C: But there's poo poo in there! Me: Oh, yeah. They come out from your pee pee. C: But there's pee pee in there!
At this point, we both burst into laughter and that was the end of the conversation. For now. Clearly I need to put some more thought into how I will answer him!