Here's a picture of Babes playing her tupperware games. (Along with her new camera smile that she does every time she thinks her picture is being taken)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Stacking fun
Now that Colby isn't napping, my posts are about to get a lot shorter.
Here's a picture of Babes playing her tupperware games. (Along with her new camera smile that she does every time she thinks her picture is being taken)
Here's a picture of Babes playing her tupperware games. (Along with her new camera smile that she does every time she thinks her picture is being taken)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Colby to me yesterday:
I wuv you a whoooole much in the whoooole wide world. Amen. *blows kiss*
Can't ask for more than that.
I wuv you a whoooole much in the whoooole wide world. Amen. *blows kiss*
Can't ask for more than that.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
A few random things
Colby has started being much nicer to his sister. He still intentionally annoys her sometimes, but he hasn't pushed or hit her in a few weeks. He kisses her on the head and says "I wuv you Babes". (Miller's nickname has slowly changed from Baby Sissa to Babes...and now everyone calls her Babes)
Colby is still running to me and screaming "MOMMY!!!!!!!" at preschool pickup. (This is after running away from me the prior two years) It's as if he hasn't seen me in days and wasn't sure I would ever come back. I love it.
Colby loves to talk about family members' real names and can name them all.
He is peeing in the potty but back to doing #2 in a diaper. We're ok with that.
Every time he flushes the toilet, he pretends he's going down the drain, spins in circles, screams, and falls to the floor.
Colby REALLY wants a tuba...I have not found a toy tuba anywhere in the world. Anyone out there know how to make a toy tuba?
The only show Colby will watch right now is Max and Ruby. Max is a young bunny who will only say one word answers and sentences. Unfortunately, Colby is always imitating Max but no one but us knows that....they just think he's a little slow.
Colby has recently dropped his nap. (insert sobbing noise here) They've been tapering for a while, and when he wasn't napping, he would scream in his crib. Now we're doing "quiet time" and he gets a toy in his crib for one hour. It has gone well for 2 days, and I think I'm going to up it to 1.5 hours and see how it goes.
**update: today was horrible and it was "quiet" time for an hour, which consisted of 59 minutes of screaming and crying. I am mourning the loss of my 2 hour break.
Miller climbs on everything and always has at least one bruise on her head.
Her favorite activity is to take tupperware out of the kitchen and stack it up on the coffee table in the den. She will then stack containers inside other containers and move them all around.
Miller loves to go to concerts because she spends most of the time looking for food. If a child is eating something, she will follow them around and either try to take their food or figure out who their mother is and go through her bag. Clearly she is underfed.
Miller is talking up a storm. When it's not completely gibberish, she does have many words. Some of them are:
Dadda: much prefers this word over momma
Be-be: binky
Bear: her lovey
Bobby: vitamin
GIH-DOW!- Get down (always said very loudly and fast)
Hiiiiii! Her favorite word
Ah-puh: Apple
Wa-wa: Water
Oh nooo!!: says when anything spills or drops
When she wakes up from sleeping, Miller likes to sit on my lap and rock with her bear and her "be-be". She will sit there for an hour and watch anything I'm watching. It was wonderful when Colby was napping because we'd often watch Oprah, but now that Colby has dropped his nap, we're usually watching Max and Ruby.
When Miller does not get her way, she drops to her knees, cries, and eventually lays down on the floor either flat on her back or flat on her stomach. It's as if she's preparing to do a snow angel. She will fake cry and then look up to make sure someone is watching. I cannot keep a straight face because I find it so hilarious that she is this dramatic at 17 months old!!!! (Colby has never once thrown himself on the floor)
Before bath, Miller likes to run around naked and slap her chest. Colby often joins in and they giggle and laugh as they run around upstairs beating their chests. We call it slappy time.
That's all I've got for now...I'll add to this list as I think of things.
Colby is still running to me and screaming "MOMMY!!!!!!!" at preschool pickup. (This is after running away from me the prior two years) It's as if he hasn't seen me in days and wasn't sure I would ever come back. I love it.
Colby loves to talk about family members' real names and can name them all.
He is peeing in the potty but back to doing #2 in a diaper. We're ok with that.
Every time he flushes the toilet, he pretends he's going down the drain, spins in circles, screams, and falls to the floor.
Colby REALLY wants a tuba...I have not found a toy tuba anywhere in the world. Anyone out there know how to make a toy tuba?
The only show Colby will watch right now is Max and Ruby. Max is a young bunny who will only say one word answers and sentences. Unfortunately, Colby is always imitating Max but no one but us knows that....they just think he's a little slow.
Colby has recently dropped his nap. (insert sobbing noise here) They've been tapering for a while, and when he wasn't napping, he would scream in his crib. Now we're doing "quiet time" and he gets a toy in his crib for one hour. It has gone well for 2 days, and I think I'm going to up it to 1.5 hours and see how it goes.
**update: today was horrible and it was "quiet" time for an hour, which consisted of 59 minutes of screaming and crying. I am mourning the loss of my 2 hour break.
Miller climbs on everything and always has at least one bruise on her head.
Her favorite activity is to take tupperware out of the kitchen and stack it up on the coffee table in the den. She will then stack containers inside other containers and move them all around.
Miller loves to go to concerts because she spends most of the time looking for food. If a child is eating something, she will follow them around and either try to take their food or figure out who their mother is and go through her bag. Clearly she is underfed.
Miller is talking up a storm. When it's not completely gibberish, she does have many words. Some of them are:
Dadda: much prefers this word over momma
Be-be: binky
Bear: her lovey
Bobby: vitamin
GIH-DOW!- Get down (always said very loudly and fast)
Hiiiiii! Her favorite word
Ah-puh: Apple
Wa-wa: Water
Oh nooo!!: says when anything spills or drops
When she wakes up from sleeping, Miller likes to sit on my lap and rock with her bear and her "be-be". She will sit there for an hour and watch anything I'm watching. It was wonderful when Colby was napping because we'd often watch Oprah, but now that Colby has dropped his nap, we're usually watching Max and Ruby.
When Miller does not get her way, she drops to her knees, cries, and eventually lays down on the floor either flat on her back or flat on her stomach. It's as if she's preparing to do a snow angel. She will fake cry and then look up to make sure someone is watching. I cannot keep a straight face because I find it so hilarious that she is this dramatic at 17 months old!!!! (Colby has never once thrown himself on the floor)
Before bath, Miller likes to run around naked and slap her chest. Colby often joins in and they giggle and laugh as they run around upstairs beating their chests. We call it slappy time.
That's all I've got for now...I'll add to this list as I think of things.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Family Portraits
We had family pictures taken in November, and I'm just now getting around to scanning a few of my favorites. There is nothing Lee dislikes more than getting pictures taken...the kids must be clean, fed, well dressed, and have clean diapers, and stay that way for the 20 minute drive and entire photo shoot. It sounds simple, but it's no small feat. Throw in a little rain, soggy grounds, poop (the kids, and also goose poop all over the ground), and that makes for a not so happy father. Miller was in a terrible mood, and Colby wasn't interested in following instructions, so I was feeding them both M&Ms between takes. There were many chocolate dribbles that had to be edited out of these photos. It was not the most pleasant experience, but you'd never know from the pictures. I think we got some good ones. It's always worth it in the end.


Friday, January 1, 2010
Colby's perspective
A friend of mine asked her son these 20 questions and does so every few months to compare answers. I thought that was a fun idea, so here are Colby answers at almost 3 1/2.
What is something mom always says to you?
Don't hit your baby sister.
What makes mom happy?
Hugging my baby sister.
What makes mom sad?
Hitting my baby sister.
How does your mom make you laugh?
by tickling me
What was your mom like as a child?
She cried
How old is your mom?
How tall is your mom?
What does your mom do for fun?
Pee peeing in the potty
What does your mom do when you're not around?
Find me
If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
For the sun comes up
What is your mom really good at?
Cooking, but you have to be careful, ok momma?
What is your mom not very good at?
Picking apples
What does your mom do for her job?
Run errands
What is your mom's favorite food?
Chicken yakisoba
What makes you proud of your mom?
Bites my baby sister.
If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
A dog walker
What do you and your mom do together?
Eat lunch
How are you and your mom the same?
How are you and your mom different?
Little. Can you talk to me? Can you show me? Show me how to talk.
How do you know your mom loves you?
Give me kisses.
Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
To run errands. Are we done yet? Can you turn the movie back on?
What is something mom always says to you?
Don't hit your baby sister.
What makes mom happy?
Hugging my baby sister.
What makes mom sad?
Hitting my baby sister.
How does your mom make you laugh?
by tickling me
What was your mom like as a child?
She cried
How old is your mom?
How tall is your mom?
What does your mom do for fun?
Pee peeing in the potty
What does your mom do when you're not around?
Find me
If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
For the sun comes up
What is your mom really good at?
Cooking, but you have to be careful, ok momma?
What is your mom not very good at?
Picking apples
What does your mom do for her job?
Run errands
What is your mom's favorite food?
Chicken yakisoba
What makes you proud of your mom?
Bites my baby sister.
If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
A dog walker
What do you and your mom do together?
Eat lunch
How are you and your mom the same?
How are you and your mom different?
Little. Can you talk to me? Can you show me? Show me how to talk.
How do you know your mom loves you?
Give me kisses.
Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
To run errands. Are we done yet? Can you turn the movie back on?
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