I know we're busy when two weeks go by and I forget about the blog. Here's a quick summary of the latest.
I pulled Miller out of preschool. I really thought she would love it, but she seemed so sad at drop off and at pick-up. It's my last year with a baby, so I'm keeping her home.
I was playing with Miller on the floor the other day and she signed "more". (which I've showed her in the context of food) I was so proud!
Colby is loving preschool and doing very well. His teacher, who I really like, has recognized that he's a "challenge", but said she adores him. BUT, she needs some help and strategies for how to deal with him. The good news is that he's not even in her top 5 list of challenging kids over the past 10 years. Yay!
Lee and I bought a lot in a new neighborhood. 2 hours away. I guess he's going to start looking for a job there. That's not the way it's supposed to work, and it's the last thing we ever thought would happen. But, we toured the area with a realtor, and when we saw the lot and neighborhood, we both loved it. We have always known we'd be moving in the next year or two, we just didn't know where.
I need an intervention. A baby girl clothes intervention. After 3 years of buying jeans, corduroys, and t-shirts, I am overwhelmed with all the choices I have for Miller. (Well, limited choices because she's a bit too...how shall I say this...bootylicious for pants and jeans) So, we have to make do with leggings, tights, and dresses. Here are a few samples from her fall wardrobe.