We have at tooth!
There's a little white ridge on Miller's bottom gum, which explains all the drooling and fussing that's been going on lately.
The really good news from our house is that the hitting/pinching/pushing phase seems to have come to and end (knock on wood). It lasted about a month, and we haven't had an indcident for a few weeks. I hope it was just a one time phase.
Miller's favorite thing to do right now is roll over and over, and she usually makes a giant circle around the perimeter of the room. She keeps rolling over the same direction, so we often have to jump out of the way, and remove small children, as she comes plowing through at a high speeds. She has started lifting her hips up, so pretty soon, she'll be on all fours.
Some random and cute things Colby is saying:
I want mama carry you. (gets you and me confused)
When he passes gas, he says "I wooty toot toot" (Don't ask where he learned this, but the good news is that most people can't understand what he's saying)
Excuses to get out of bed: My foot hurts, my leg hurts, I need a hug, I need turn my giggle (radio) on, I don't want to see shadow (of fan), I need nother book, I want dada fix that (if animals are out of place in his crib)
I wuv you mommy/dadda. We're friends. I wuv baby sissa.
Candy-candy (always says it twice)
I want suw-pwize (for being good)
Whenever he falls, even if no one is looking, he yells "I'm Ow-kay! I'm ow-kay!"
Cannot say "st" and replaces it with "d". This became interesting when we were building a snowman and we were looking for arms, and he was screaming in the yard "I GOT A BIG STICK!!!"