Oops- time has gotten away from me again. I was planning to post about how we are going through another "honeymoon" period, but that was before we took Colby out to dinner tonight. Once again, he completely silenced the restaurant with his ear piercing scream....about 4 times. You could literally hear a pin drop after the first one. Like any good mother would do, I shoved a dum dum lollipop at him just hoping that we could finish our meal. This is the same place he does it every time- the local sushi restaurant. Something about that place brings out the worst in Colby...maybe it's because everyone seems so prim and proper and it's pretty quiet in there. We've decided we will only be ordering takeout from now on.
What I was
originally planning to say...is that Colby has been pretty well behaved lately. He's actually starting to obey "no"...I guess the time-outs (in a pack-n-play in the laundry room) are working. He's also running away less and is easier to take out in public. He still runs, but it's not
as bad as it was just a month ago. He's still really into dancing (usually in public) and has become very affectionate lately. He hugs every kid he comes in contact with and is even hugging me and Lee (imagine that!).
This Saturday, we moved Colby into his new "big boy room". I've been making a big deal about it for weeks now, but it didn't seem to help with the transition too much. We did buy him a new crib because he's definitely not ready for a bed, so we were hoping he would just lay down as usual. Not the case! He's still pretty fired up when we leave him in there, but hopefully it will get better soon. Thank goodness he has Ducky to comfort him.
Ducky is Colby's closest companion and most important possession. He's a raggedy blue duck that was one of several items I've kept in his crib since Colby was born. I had many other cute things in there I was hoping he would attach himself to, but he chose Ducky as his favorite. We've since bought a couple of backups that I found on E-bay, and they have definitely been needed. This is a picture of Ducky after a spin in the washing machine.

Colby's very favorite part of Ducky is his tags, which he rubs back and forth at night while he's falling asleep.

Colby takes very good care of Ducky, and even feeds him milk before bed. He is often overcome with affection for Ducky and tackles him with hugs.

This weekend, Daddy, Colby and Ducky took a field trip. Here are some of the sights Ducky was able to visit.

Restaurant screaming aside, Colby is just a really sweet boy right now. (I say
right now because I know the "terrible two's" are around the corner). He isn't really throwing tantrums (yet), and he's just so much fun to be around. He's still the most social child I have ever seen, and he makes new friends everywhere he goes. I know the next challenge is around the corner, but right now, I'm taking a moment to say.....things are really good.