Dust bustin' with daddy
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas Morning
As we suspected, the vacuum and dustbuster were a HUGE hit! (notice the fake looking one in the background...he had no interest in that one at all)

Dust bustin' with daddy
Dust bustin' with daddy
Thursday, December 20, 2007
While Lee was cooking dinner tonight, and I was....well...probably on the computer, Colby made his way into the pantry. After about 30 seconds of silence and hearing Lee ask "where's Colby?" I ran into the kitchen and this is what I found.

In order to get to this point, Colby had to actually grab the entire container of suckers from a shelf (one of the higher shelves!) and place it on the floor (we did not hear a crash). Next, he managed to get the lid off. And lastly, he actually unwrapped it...even he looks surprised. Yes, it was toddler victory at it's finest. We actually let him have a few licks before taking it away, and he recovered pretty quickly.
A month or so ago I posted about how wonderful everything was going, and I'm glad I posted it then because things are getting a little more challenging! Colby has learned that screaming at the top of his lungs in a restaurant will get him a lot of attention. If we tell him "no", he does it anyway and seems even more pleased. So, we've decided to try and ignore it and just hope that he only does it once or twice. However, nothing seems to bother people more than a screaming toddler and parents who seem totally and completely oblivious. We took Colby to our favorite sushi restaurant last night, and after about 15 high pitched shrill screams in a row, we had to leave right after our food was delivered. We were getting the "Can't you control your child?" looks. Well, actually, um...no...we can't. Any suggestions? Colby didn't seem to mind the looks, because any attention is good attention. I, however, cannot say the same for myself!
In order to get to this point, Colby had to actually grab the entire container of suckers from a shelf (one of the higher shelves!) and place it on the floor (we did not hear a crash). Next, he managed to get the lid off. And lastly, he actually unwrapped it...even he looks surprised. Yes, it was toddler victory at it's finest. We actually let him have a few licks before taking it away, and he recovered pretty quickly.
A month or so ago I posted about how wonderful everything was going, and I'm glad I posted it then because things are getting a little more challenging! Colby has learned that screaming at the top of his lungs in a restaurant will get him a lot of attention. If we tell him "no", he does it anyway and seems even more pleased. So, we've decided to try and ignore it and just hope that he only does it once or twice. However, nothing seems to bother people more than a screaming toddler and parents who seem totally and completely oblivious. We took Colby to our favorite sushi restaurant last night, and after about 15 high pitched shrill screams in a row, we had to leave right after our food was delivered. We were getting the "Can't you control your child?" looks. Well, actually, um...no...we can't. Any suggestions? Colby didn't seem to mind the looks, because any attention is good attention. I, however, cannot say the same for myself!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
I'm not going to put too much thought or effort into this or I'll never post it, so here's what's been going on the past few weeks.
When we are home, it's a pretty good bet that Colby has either a mop or a broom in his hand. He is truly obsessed with them and with all cleaning products, especially when I pull out the dust buster. We are SO excited about giving him a toy vacuum and dust buster (that makes noise!) for Christmas. I've had them for a month now and I know that he is never going to put the dust buster down.
Colby has 8 words as of today. They are: Mamma, dadda, Georgia, hi, uh-oh, outside, and yum (prounounced uuum). He makes a sound for yes, but I'm not sure yet if it counts. I've also heard him say cat several times but that was a few months ago and I haven't heard it since.
Colby LOVES preschool. He loves it so much that when I show up to pick him up, he doesn't want to leave! He used to run towards me sobbing, but now he basically waves hello and goes about his business.
"He's like the mayor". That's what someone said to us tonight as we were walking out of a sushi restaurant, while Colby waved to every single person. All the diners, the waiters, the sushi chef.....everyone. He was particularly friendly with a table of four women, and he stood at their table for a good two minutes waving to them. They were ooohing and aahhhing and he was eating up every second of it. I am going to be in BIG trouble in about 13 years!
That's about all the little things I can think of to write about. Here are some recent pictures from the past month...

Colby and daddy at the Christmas parade

Colby waving to the trucks going by...

Colby trying to stay warm by snuggling up to daddy's head. It was FREEZING!!!

Our "Colby proof" tree, hung with ribbon and fabric ornaments. The bottom 2 feet of the tree are bare by the end of the day.

Colby loves to grocery shop, just like his daddy. (definitely did not get this from me)

Hmmmmm....is this the right milk?

Only one way to find out!

We had a Christmas party with our playgroup. Guess who did this in the kitchen? (if you click on this picture, you'll can see the twinkle in his eye as to what he has just discovered) Which is.....

Jackpot! Cords!!

And more cords!
When we are home, it's a pretty good bet that Colby has either a mop or a broom in his hand. He is truly obsessed with them and with all cleaning products, especially when I pull out the dust buster. We are SO excited about giving him a toy vacuum and dust buster (that makes noise!) for Christmas. I've had them for a month now and I know that he is never going to put the dust buster down.
Colby has 8 words as of today. They are: Mamma, dadda, Georgia, hi, uh-oh, outside, and yum (prounounced uuum). He makes a sound for yes, but I'm not sure yet if it counts. I've also heard him say cat several times but that was a few months ago and I haven't heard it since.
Colby LOVES preschool. He loves it so much that when I show up to pick him up, he doesn't want to leave! He used to run towards me sobbing, but now he basically waves hello and goes about his business.
"He's like the mayor". That's what someone said to us tonight as we were walking out of a sushi restaurant, while Colby waved to every single person. All the diners, the waiters, the sushi chef.....everyone. He was particularly friendly with a table of four women, and he stood at their table for a good two minutes waving to them. They were ooohing and aahhhing and he was eating up every second of it. I am going to be in BIG trouble in about 13 years!
That's about all the little things I can think of to write about. Here are some recent pictures from the past month...
Colby and daddy at the Christmas parade
Colby waving to the trucks going by...
Colby trying to stay warm by snuggling up to daddy's head. It was FREEZING!!!
Our "Colby proof" tree, hung with ribbon and fabric ornaments. The bottom 2 feet of the tree are bare by the end of the day.
Colby loves to grocery shop, just like his daddy. (definitely did not get this from me)
Hmmmmm....is this the right milk?
Only one way to find out!
We had a Christmas party with our playgroup. Guess who did this in the kitchen? (if you click on this picture, you'll can see the twinkle in his eye as to what he has just discovered) Which is.....
Jackpot! Cords!!
And more cords!
Bad blogger
I cannot believe I have been so bad about posting lately. Poor Colby will have his 16th month totally undocumented. I've found it hard to find the motivation to post, and I've been unsure as to whether or not to write about why. Most of the 5 people who are reading this know what's going on anyway, but here it goes.
The truth is that my best friend Mindy is going through a really difficult time right now, and it has seemed really trivial to blog about what Colby has done that day. When I wake up, the first thing I do is check my e-mail to see if I've heard from her. She has a twin boy and girl that were born 10 weeks early, and this was after 7 weeks on bedrest when her feet did not touch the floor. The bedrest was very traumatic for her, and now, the boy (Dasch) is in pretty critical condition. He had surgery a week ago to remove part of his bowel, and now he's on a ventilator trying to recover. It makes anything I would post about seem so silly and unimportant when Dasch is fighting for his life and Mindy is in such distress. Please keep Mindy and her babies in your thoughts and prayers. I will post some pictures either tonight or tomorrow and try to summarize the past month.
The truth is that my best friend Mindy is going through a really difficult time right now, and it has seemed really trivial to blog about what Colby has done that day. When I wake up, the first thing I do is check my e-mail to see if I've heard from her. She has a twin boy and girl that were born 10 weeks early, and this was after 7 weeks on bedrest when her feet did not touch the floor. The bedrest was very traumatic for her, and now, the boy (Dasch) is in pretty critical condition. He had surgery a week ago to remove part of his bowel, and now he's on a ventilator trying to recover. It makes anything I would post about seem so silly and unimportant when Dasch is fighting for his life and Mindy is in such distress. Please keep Mindy and her babies in your thoughts and prayers. I will post some pictures either tonight or tomorrow and try to summarize the past month.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
You know you're a mom when....
You spend the first 15 minutes of your day trying to get a matted booger the size of a dime out of someone's hair.
That someone being Mr. C, who is a pretty sick little boy. He has RSV and has been running a high fever with a terrible cold since last Wednesday. In addition, he now has a full blown ear infection and possibly strep. (I say possibly because the doctor said it looks like strep, but she didn't test since he'll be going on an antibiotic anyway) We were planning to leave for the mountains tomorrow, but it looks like we'll be sticking around here.
Not much else going on....I just wanted to jot this down for my own memory.
Happy Thanksgiving!
That someone being Mr. C, who is a pretty sick little boy. He has RSV and has been running a high fever with a terrible cold since last Wednesday. In addition, he now has a full blown ear infection and possibly strep. (I say possibly because the doctor said it looks like strep, but she didn't test since he'll be going on an antibiotic anyway) We were planning to leave for the mountains tomorrow, but it looks like we'll be sticking around here.
Not much else going on....I just wanted to jot this down for my own memory.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Colby Dance
Colby has really been breaking it down in music class lately. While all the mothers and their children sit in a circle, Colby is often in the center of the circle perfecting his best dance moves. He has no inhibitions whatsoever. This was a video taken tonight so that daddy could see the new moves. (I only grabbed the camcorder towards the end so I missed the first half) Oh, and Colby does something very unusual at the end of the video. He sits down. He NEVER sits down. I had to include it because I really don't think I've seen it before, and I fear I'll never see it again.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Knock on wood....
It just struck me today that we're really in a honeymoon period (or phase...I should say phase) with Colby. I don't want to jinx things, but all of a sudden, things are going great. He has stopped the incessant fussing that was happening about a month ago. (was it molars bothering him for 3 weeks??) He has stopped fussing at preschool and LOVES it....he's so happy there that when I pick him up, he says "hi" and runs away. His teacher said that the only time he really fusses is if he's placed in his high chair and his food isn't delivered in a timely matter. He is sleeping a consistent 12 hours a night....and napping 2-3 hours a day. He never cries when we put him down for a nap or for bed, and if he's not tired, he will talk to himself. When he wakes up, he will play and chat for half an hour in his crib. He is almost always in a good mood....he loves to ride in the car...go for walks...or hang out at home. He eats anything and everything and will go to any restaurant in town. Our new favorite place is a Lebanese grocery store/restaurant, where he eats marinated cucumbers, tomatoes, hummus, lamb kabobs, and whatever else we throw his way. To deal with his endless energy and love for exploring, I've been taking him to the local football field (which is gated) so he can burn off some energy. This has been working really well, and Colby is thrilled with the freedom to roam. (could he be any more like his daddy??) He's even starting to hold my hand if I make a game out of it and run with him. I need to remember this time because I'm sure just around the corner, a new obstacle will arise. But right now, things are good. Very good!
Here's a picture of my sweet little boy
Here's a picture of my sweet little boy
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
There was a little game of tag going on in our house today. One being an active participant...and the other being the victim.
Monday, November 5, 2007
My next purchase
I think this might be a great solution for us. It's called the Kid Keeper.

Colby is keeping us on our toes and has truly become an escape artist...meaning everywhere we go, he tries to find a way out. He is not afraid of being away from us, and he'll even wave goodbye as he exits. He will try to leave even if it's somewhere he wants to be, such as a playground, a kids concert, a friend's playroom....whatever! If I try to hold his hand and direct him back another way, he gets noodle legs and collapses to the floor. Isn't he too young to be playing the noodle leg game? So basically, I can never hold his hand, and my options are to let him run out into traffic (or whatever danger he will find) or to carry a kicking and screaming toddler. (Of course, it's always the latter)
Do not judge those who use a kid keeper. It might just be me.

Colby is keeping us on our toes and has truly become an escape artist...meaning everywhere we go, he tries to find a way out. He is not afraid of being away from us, and he'll even wave goodbye as he exits. He will try to leave even if it's somewhere he wants to be, such as a playground, a kids concert, a friend's playroom....whatever! If I try to hold his hand and direct him back another way, he gets noodle legs and collapses to the floor. Isn't he too young to be playing the noodle leg game? So basically, I can never hold his hand, and my options are to let him run out into traffic (or whatever danger he will find) or to carry a kicking and screaming toddler. (Of course, it's always the latter)
Do not judge those who use a kid keeper. It might just be me.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
My Halloween....
As seen through the eyes of Colby
First, mommy and daddy dressed me up really funny and put me out in the yard. (click on pictures for a better view)

Then, they handed me a plastic pumpkin....

It just kept getting wierder. Next, daddy put me on his shoulders in the dark....and we walked around the neighborhood. With my pumpkin. And we knocked on doors. And said "hi" to lots of people. And took plastic things from bowls.

My friend Sophie's mom did the same thing to her.

When we got home, mommy gave me a stick with a ball on it, and she let me put it in my mouth. It was the most delicious thing I have ever had. Mean old daddy caught us and took it away. And that was the end of my Halloween.
First, mommy and daddy dressed me up really funny and put me out in the yard. (click on pictures for a better view)
Then, they handed me a plastic pumpkin....
It just kept getting wierder. Next, daddy put me on his shoulders in the dark....and we walked around the neighborhood. With my pumpkin. And we knocked on doors. And said "hi" to lots of people. And took plastic things from bowls.
My friend Sophie's mom did the same thing to her.
When we got home, mommy gave me a stick with a ball on it, and she let me put it in my mouth. It was the most delicious thing I have ever had. Mean old daddy caught us and took it away. And that was the end of my Halloween.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Ever seen what trouble looks like?
Well, here he is:

Colby is getting more and more adventurous.....and it's not going unnoticed.
Let me give you a few examples of what he has done today.
While trying to pull my hairdryer down from the bathroom counter, he fell and hit his head on the drawer. (which explains the gash on his forehead)
I left him in the kitchen playing with his fridge farm for about 3 minutes while I wrote a check. I heard a "clinkity clink" noise from the kitchen and sprinted in. There he was....sitting inside the dishwasher on top of the door...with a knife in each hand...holding them up above his head. NOT KIDDING. (Thankfully, they were just regular silverware knives and not something more dangerous) However, a lock will be going on the dishwasher.
A few moments later, while he's in the office with me, he proceeds to pull over a large silver lamp almost on top of himself, but I caught it just in time.
In the basement, he tried to jump on the trampoline without holding on to the handle and fell off backwards (I caught him). He tried to stand up at the top of his slide and fell off (I caught him, but did not catch him yesterday)
And tonight....he chased Georgia around the room pointing his finger at her (we did not know why) until he finally caught up with her.....and stuck his finger where the sun doesn't shine.
Calgon take me away.
Well, here he is:
Colby is getting more and more adventurous.....and it's not going unnoticed.
Let me give you a few examples of what he has done today.
While trying to pull my hairdryer down from the bathroom counter, he fell and hit his head on the drawer. (which explains the gash on his forehead)
I left him in the kitchen playing with his fridge farm for about 3 minutes while I wrote a check. I heard a "clinkity clink" noise from the kitchen and sprinted in. There he was....sitting inside the dishwasher on top of the door...with a knife in each hand...holding them up above his head. NOT KIDDING. (Thankfully, they were just regular silverware knives and not something more dangerous) However, a lock will be going on the dishwasher.
A few moments later, while he's in the office with me, he proceeds to pull over a large silver lamp almost on top of himself, but I caught it just in time.
In the basement, he tried to jump on the trampoline without holding on to the handle and fell off backwards (I caught him). He tried to stand up at the top of his slide and fell off (I caught him, but did not catch him yesterday)
And tonight....he chased Georgia around the room pointing his finger at her (we did not know why) until he finally caught up with her.....and stuck his finger where the sun doesn't shine.
Calgon take me away.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Rite of Passage
Colby got his first pair of running shoes this weekend. Saucony's, of course.

Here they are up close.

I ventured into Walmart this weekend and found a cheap play broom and mop that I bought for Colby. Little did I know he would be absolutely OBSESSED with them. He did not let go of them all day long.
Here he is cleaning the hallway....

...and the dining room.

A little spot cleaning on the wood floors.

Some leaf maintenance on the deck....

....and showing them off to his daddy!
Here they are up close.
I ventured into Walmart this weekend and found a cheap play broom and mop that I bought for Colby. Little did I know he would be absolutely OBSESSED with them. He did not let go of them all day long.
Here he is cleaning the hallway....
...and the dining room.
A little spot cleaning on the wood floors.
Some leaf maintenance on the deck....
....and showing them off to his daddy!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Saturday Morning
I've got some work to do....can you give me a minute?

Now, if I can just reach something....anything....I know it will be good.

Jackpot! Mom's organizer.

When it's really good, the tongue comes out...

...and stays out.

I'm SO helpful in the kitchen....

...and in the family room.

But I don't wanna clean up! (click for the very pitiful closeup)
Now, if I can just reach something....anything....I know it will be good.
Jackpot! Mom's organizer.
When it's really good, the tongue comes out...
...and stays out.
I'm SO helpful in the kitchen....
...and in the family room.
But I don't wanna clean up! (click for the very pitiful closeup)
Saturday, October 13, 2007
My trip to the Pumpkin Festival
Mommy and daddy took me to the pumpkin festival today!
I had so much fun.
I listened to live music....

I played in the hay...

I fell down in the hay.

I did lots of walking. (Mommy and daddy did lots of following)

The rocks were delicious!

Mommy nooooo!!!!!!!!

Help! I'm being held against my will!!!

Still a bit upset by the intervention and the lack of freedom.
I had so much fun.
I listened to live music....
I played in the hay...
I fell down in the hay.
I did lots of walking. (Mommy and daddy did lots of following)
The rocks were delicious!
Mommy nooooo!!!!!!!!
Help! I'm being held against my will!!!
Still a bit upset by the intervention and the lack of freedom.
The "Phase"
It's just a phase....it's just a phase....it's just a phase. I've been chanting this to myself for the past few weeks, and I certainly hope it's true. Colby is going through quite a challenging little stage...and I really hope that's all it is. He has become ultra clingy and fussy at home, even when he is well fed, rested, and I'm in the room with him. I don't know what's going on, but I think he learned it from other kids at school. He has perfected the fake cry, and he uses it often to get what he wants. I also think that he has developed separation anxiety, and I'm pretty sure it's because I started taking him to preschool. For a couple of weeks I thought it was teething, but the molars have broken through and it's still going on. I'm really not sure how to handle it and I just hope it resolves itself soon!
Despite the fussing, I must say, he is still quite a ham and really cracks us up every day. His new favorite words are "uh-oh" and "Yum!" Although his "yum" is really an "uuumm". His walk is slowing turning into a run, and I think that once he masters the run he will never walk again. His favorite foods are still tomatoes and hummus, and recently we've started giving him grapes and apples. He loves them and give a great big "uuuum" with each bite.
Despite the fussing, I must say, he is still quite a ham and really cracks us up every day. His new favorite words are "uh-oh" and "Yum!" Although his "yum" is really an "uuumm". His walk is slowing turning into a run, and I think that once he masters the run he will never walk again. His favorite foods are still tomatoes and hummus, and recently we've started giving him grapes and apples. He loves them and give a great big "uuuum" with each bite.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The walker
Today was the first day that Colby walked more than he crawled. He stumbles around the house like a drunken sailor most of the time, but it's amazing how much better he is getting each day. Here's another one of those videos that only a grandparent can appreciate. The music in the background is from Colby's "Music Together" class, and he loves it. He claps when the songs are over and often just walks around the house clapping when I play it. (Need I remind you why he's not wearing pants?)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Available for a limited time!
This is only available for a limited time because as soon as Lee finds it on here, he will make me take it down. (that will give it a lifespan of about 2 weeks)
Last night, I snuck up the stairs and hid in the hallway and recorded Lee reading Colby's favorite book- Freight Train. I stayed behind the door, but I reached my arm inside the room to record it and neither of them noticed. I think you'll understand why it's Colby's favorite book. (The sound is low at first, so you may want to turn up the volume on your computer and on the youtube screen.) Notice how Colby is trying to join in with his own "woo woo!". (Sorry Lee, I couldn't resist)
This is only available for a limited time because as soon as Lee finds it on here, he will make me take it down. (that will give it a lifespan of about 2 weeks)
Last night, I snuck up the stairs and hid in the hallway and recorded Lee reading Colby's favorite book- Freight Train. I stayed behind the door, but I reached my arm inside the room to record it and neither of them noticed. I think you'll understand why it's Colby's favorite book. (The sound is low at first, so you may want to turn up the volume on your computer and on the youtube screen.) Notice how Colby is trying to join in with his own "woo woo!". (Sorry Lee, I couldn't resist)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
New Camcorder!!
I am soooo excited that we finally have a new camcorder! Well, that's not exactly the truth....let me rephrase that. I am so excited that I finally learned to use our new camcorder!
It's been sitting in a box for 2 months, and I've been too afraid to open it. (For some reason, I have a mental block when it comes to new technology.) This new camcorder means no more horrible quality videos (that I took with my small camera)...and I can finally download the videos to the computer and edit them. I tested it out today and it's amazing! I'm posting a little clip of Colby just to show how much better it is. (Warning: not an exciting video) In this video, Colby does 4 of his favorite things. First, he's eating hummus. Second, he does a brief "ya-yah" chant. Third, he tries to make himself dizzy by closing his eyes and shaking his head (his new trick). Fourth, he says "hi"....twice!
It's been sitting in a box for 2 months, and I've been too afraid to open it. (For some reason, I have a mental block when it comes to new technology.) This new camcorder means no more horrible quality videos (that I took with my small camera)...and I can finally download the videos to the computer and edit them. I tested it out today and it's amazing! I'm posting a little clip of Colby just to show how much better it is. (Warning: not an exciting video) In this video, Colby does 4 of his favorite things. First, he's eating hummus. Second, he does a brief "ya-yah" chant. Third, he tries to make himself dizzy by closing his eyes and shaking his head (his new trick). Fourth, he says "hi"....twice!
A typical morning
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